Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Where the Red Fern Grows

David Singapogu

Challenge B

LTW Essay 5

October 27, 2021


Have you ever been torn between two sides? In the book Where the Red Fern Grows, Billy had to make one such decision. Everyone agrees that Billy loves his dogs, However some people believe that he should have called off the hunt while others believe that he should not have called off the fight and  continue on to find the dogs.


Billy should have called off the hunt after they saw the storm coming for three reasons: Billy should make a safe decision, should consider family and should display responsibility. 


The first reason Billy should have called off the hunt is that he should make a safe decision. . Even though Billy put all of his hard earned time and money into the hunt, human beings with souls, especially his family members, are far more important than the dogs. Leaving would be a safe choice for everybody, they would not have to worry about communicating or staying together, and the people back at the camp would not have to be worried about their safety.


The second reason Billy should have called off the hunt after they saw the storm coming is that he should consider the feelings of his family. It was dangerous for him and his relatives would be depressed if anyone died. His Mom had already been hesitant and would probably die if she found out he had not survived. Billy was only a small boy and had not lived his life to the fullest yet. If he died, he would not be able to bring the promised trophy back to his adorable little sister at home.


The third and final reason Billy should have called off the hunt after they saw the storm coming is that he should display responsibility. As the leader, he should recognize that it would be foolish for them to stay. The frightening, growing and threatening storm clouds quite clearly portrayed the impending doom coming near  pand Billy should have displayed wisdom by calling off the hunt. It was time for Billy to move forward and take the risk or to stay back and play it safe. Another supporting reason is that Billy did not know when the storm might go away, it could stay the whole night! And all three of the wiser people with him said that he should call off the hunt and it would be very naive of him to disobey.


Billy should have called off the hunt after they saw the storm coming because Billy should make a safe decision, should consider family and should display responsibility. This matters to people who are torn between two difficult choices because wisdom in those times is crucial.


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