Thursday, November 21, 2019

Happy to Be Happy

David Singapogu


November 18, 2019
Happy to Be Happy

            One day, there was a girl. [1]Shewas crying in the livelyoppressive sun. Shewas lonely. The girl’s name was Anne-Marie, or Annie. She had just disrespectfullyand naughtilyhit her kindbrother Xavier in the face for no reason. [2]Upon her mother hearing this, she had stated that she had smacked him because he had stolen her favorite stuffed animal. However, her mom, who actedwisely, was not fooled. She told Annie, “Go outside and leave your siblings alone! Whenyou are ready to be nice, you can come back.” [5]While the sun beat on her back, she was very lonely.
She lay down on the grass, shut her eyes and started daydreaming. [5]While dreaming she was on a swing whereshe was happilyrocking back and forth, listening to thebeautifulchirping of the birds. [2]During this time her brother Xavier, whowas a crazyconfidentcuber, joined her. He was swinging with her becausehe had just gotten a 3x3 PB single of one hour. [3]Playfully he exclaimed, “Tag, you’re it!” [3]Suddenly, Annie opened her eyes. An idea had sparked in her mind.
[4]Thinking it would work, Annie, whowas delighted, determined, dancedinto her house whereshe thought she could settle things. [1]She kept asking Xavier to follow her beggingin the most obnoxious high pitchedvoice, “PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEAASSE!!!!!!” [2]After that Xavier felt like a king. [4]Walking out casually,becausethey were ready to make peace, they started swinging. Xavier washappy.  Annie was happy.  They were happy to be happy

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Beautiful Boy Who Didn’t Know What He Had Done Wrong

David Singapogu,

Lesson 13

The Beautiful Boy Who Didn’t Know What He Had Done Wrong

            A few days ago, there was a girl eating lunch. Ten seconds later a boy arrived pretending to be batman. You see, he was about to impress her! The boy’s name was Jonnie, and the girl’s name was Betsy. Jonnie, who was no pretending to be batman, went about impressing Betsy by proudly proclaiming, “Watch this!” Betsy turned her head, unsure of what was about to happen.

            [1]Jonnie took some chopsticks from his lunchbox and began pushing them into his nose. [5]After releasing his hands he realized that he was about to sneeze! [2][4]During this he casually poked them in some more. It was getting really painful, tears started gushing from his eyes. He then realized that he could double it by not only showing his beauty but also displaying his bravery. So, he wiped away his tears and endured it, because he was imagining her reaction and how she would extol him. He turned his head to show her.

            Betsy was appalled! Astonishingly! Betsy irately stomped away as she rebuked him, saying, “I will never sit by you again!” [3]Fortunately, Betsy ran away not half a second before Jonnie, who was sad, sneezed and exclaimed, “what did I do wrong!” He resolved to show his teacher and…a

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Powerful Norman King Who Ruled England

David Singapogu


Lesson 12

The Powerful Norman King Who Ruled England

            [2] During 1066 the Battle of Hastings was fought. [3]Sadly, it was fought shortly after the death of king Edward of England.[4] Claiming the throne was William the Conqueror, Edwards cousin, who declared,” Edward made me his heir!” However, when the Archbishop of York decided that he better ideas of his own, he foolishlycrowned Harold Godwinson, Edwards cousin. [5]When William heard this, he was an outrageous irateman. He decided that battle was the only way two settle this becauseHarold would not give up the throne. A few days later both armies met on the hillside of a mountain. The battle was about to begin!

            [6]Boom! Clash! Bang! The sound of clattering metal rang across the valley as the battle promptly began. This cycle repeated itself from the morning through the evening as many soldiers on both sides were either dead, wounded, or weary. It seemed like it would never end. That was until… zzzzip! A well-aimed arrow struck Harold in the eye, and he died quickly.  The next day, an extremely exhaustedWilliam limped his way to England were the same old Archbishop of York reluctantly crowned him king of England. During the first few years of his reign, the people were not happy about a Norman king ruling them, therefore there were many revolts. In response, William was ruthless, killing everyone who stood up to him. After a few years the revolts settled down. William also was the first person to introducethe feudal system, which involved him giving certain people dubbed “Barons” a piece of land whichthey would oversee. [1]William was a capable king who ruled harshly in order to show his power.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Alfred The Great

David Sinapogu
Lesson 11

Alfred The Great

            Alfred the Great was the king of Wessex from 871-899. Thinking that he had a chance, he intrepidly fought the vicious vandalous Vikings. After battling fiercely with the Vikings, Alfred the Great emerged victorious and their king even converted to Christianity! He is also the only king of England who was called, “The Great” Alfred the Great became king at the age of 21 since he had four brothers that all died before him. Since he was a mighty ruler, some people call him, “the most perfect character in history!” Alfred the Great was an astute ruler, who reigned defensively, like a mother bear ready to protect her cubs.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Vikings Terrible Regime

David Singapogu


The Vikings Terrible Regime

            [6] They looted, They destroyed, They killed! The Vikings raided from 700-1100 AD, they lived in what is now Scandinavia. [2][5] Since they were so fierce, europe often retreated at the sight of them. [1] The Vikings intrepidly killed women and children, even though they didn’t fight. However, the most ruthless of Vikings, which were the Berserkers, were talked about by survivors as if they had come straight out of a nightmare!      ` Because of this, part of that word is even used in the English language. For example, if your friend called you “berserk!”, then you must be acting pretty wildly. [3] Occasionally the Vikings tenaciously desired land, and when they did, they acted mercilessly. For example, in 911, King Charles the Simple, simply gave them land out of fear, knowing that they were ready to fight. In case of battle, the Vikings had 100s of massive majestic mammoth warships. [4] Shocking everybody, the vicious venturing Vikings caused fear and destruction everywhere they went like a lawn mower tearing through the grass.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Religious Man who became the Father of Europe

David Singapogu

Lesson 9


The Religious Man who became the Father of Europe

Charlemagne was born in 742 AD in the kingdom of the Franks. He was the son of King Pepin the Short. Being in the royal family, Charlemagne inherited the land that is fancy fashionable France Charlemagne thought he was as pure as a monastic monk. As a royal reigning raiding, king, he conquered many lands and by 800 AD, ha had the largest empire Europe had seen since the Roman Empire. It covered almost all of vast Western Europe. After conquering the lands, he would force the captives to be baptized. Thoughtfully, Charlemagne built schools as he once said, “All people need the free opportunity to have an education.” Because Charlemagne, who was one of a kind, was so special, he is often referred to as the father of Europe.

Monday, September 30, 2019

The Thoughtful Prophet to Medina

David Singapogu
Lesson 7
The Thoughtful Prophet to Medina
                [1]Mohammed lived in Mecca in the early 600s. [3]Sadly, he was not fond of the mean mammoth city of Mecca, because it had too many people and idols. [5]Because Mohammed, who was restless, did not like residing in Mecca all the time, he often ventured to the desert when he was overwhelmed, because he wanted peace without noise people and gods. [2]During this time he went. [6]He glanced. He stopped. He looked back! Mohammed astonishingly beheld a magnificent angel which told him, “You are to be the blessed prophet for Allah!”
                [4]Traveling, Mohammed, who was relieved, walked happily to Mecca, where he taught the people about Allah. Some people believed but others did not and they rebuked him. Among those who hated Mohammed were the merchants. They hated Mohammed because it was his fault that the people stopped buying idols from them. [1]Mohammed soon discovered that the merchants sought to kill him. [5]Because of this Mohammed sprinted to a massive cave like an athlete. [6]He ran. He stopped. He breathed. He was exhausted! Sweat and blood poured down his face and body!
                [2]During this time, the malicious mutilated mob searched thoroughly through the creepy cavernous cave. [3]Thankfully, one man, who thought he was astute, hollered, “He’s definitely not in here! There’s a spider web at the entrance! If he was in here he would have broken it!” So the people sought him elsewhere. Meanwhile, Mohammed felt quite relieved. [4]Thinking thoughtfully, Mohammed traveled to Medina where he was well received like water is to a flower in the desert.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Who Was the Apostle to England

David Singapogu

Lesson 6


Who Was the Apostle to England

                Long ago, in the quiet streets of Rome, Pope Gregory walked. [5]Although the streets were quite normal, he saw something white, and peculiar out of the side of his eye. He glanced at it and what did he see? “3 Angels?!” Pope Gregory was confused, “Angels being sold at the slave market?!” [1]He quickly summoned the slave trader and asked him, “Why are you selling these Angels? This is God’s presence among us!” He hastily summoned the “slaves” and brought them home. [2]After they ventured home, Pope Gregory thoroughly questioned the three white boys, who were apparently not Angels, but were from an island called Angle land, and sadly, knew nothing about the God of the Bible. Pope Gregory became deeply saddened for the people of Angle land.

                So, Pope Gregory, who was thoughtful, sought someone to show them the Gospel.[5] When Pope Gregory found Augustine, he told him, “There are many people in Angle land who have no Idea who Jesus is!” [4]Believing in Gods will, Augustine amazingly agreed to go on the treacherous journey. So, Pope Gregory sent him on a ship with a few monks. After many trials and storms, they finally arrived on the shore of Kent. [1]Augustine immediately traveled to see the king. [3]Surprisingly, the king powerfully got saved, and told Augustine, “Go tell the people of this!”

                [3]Thankfully, Augustine was well received by the people, and many of them were transformed into Christians. In fact, because so many became Christians, Pope Gregory had to send more monks. On the Christmas of 597 AD, 1,000s of people were baptized. [4]Preaching, Augustine became the blessed Archbishop of Canterbury. Augustine, who was used mightily by God, has been bestowed the name, “Apostle to England”

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Beowulf and the Deadly Dragon

David Singapogu

Lesson 5
September 16, 2019

Beowulf and the Deadly Dragon

[2]During the fifth century, Beowulf was the King of the Geats. He ruled astutely for many years, the people were delighted under his rule. However, there was a certain dreadful deadly dragon, who had built his house in the side of a cave near the kingdom. [5]When a defiant slave sought a place to hide from his master, he went into the cave where he encountered the dragon, he took a golden goblet and left the cave. Unfortunately, since the dragon felt that the presence of the goblet had left him, so he went about burning all the villages with his fire.[1] Beowulf knew that something had to be done about this.

 Beowulf finally made up his mind that he would kill the dragon. He gathered his soldiers and marched to the side of the cave. [2]Upon the start of the fight, all but one especially faithful soldier left. As the fight went on, Beowulf bravely experienced fierce dragon bites. [2]During this, Beowulf, who was bold, had his silver severing sword broken by the wicked dragon. [5]Because he was vulnerable, the dragon caught him in his mouth.

                [4]Teaching the dragon, a lesson was the remaining soldier, who had climbed on its back and had begun ferociously stabbing its throat, whereupon the dragon dropped the King. [3]Fortunately, soon after that the dragon gave up and died and the whole Kingdom was happy, at least for a while, Sadly, the King died after that due to his serious injuries.[3] Thankfully, the other soldier, who had helped fight the dragon, evolved into the new King, and the Kingdom thrived with him. The dragon’s riches became the King’s. Also he upgraded the whole country and the dilapidated capital city became the beautiful Stockholm we know today.[4] Learning, the country flourished and became mighty. While he was their King, the people were seemingly satisfied and satiated.

The Reign of Justinian the Great

David Singapogu
Lesson 4
The Reign of Justinian the Great
                As the Western Roman Empire fell to Barbarians, the Eastern Roman Empire withstood violent attacks. The Eastern Roman Empire was also known as the Byzantine Empire. Justinian the Great hails as one of the mightiest Emperors of the Byzantine Empire. When he came to power, the laws in one part of the Empire were drastically different from the laws in another part of the Empire. Justinian, who was just, justly made one set of laws that everybody would follow. Because the first four letters in Justinian’s name spell “just”, it is easy to remember that he was the emperor who made just laws.
                Justinian is famous for other things also. He renovated the dilapidated capital city of Constantinople. In doing so, he built the most beautiful church in the whole world, it is called the Hagia Sophia. It contains a massive marble dome, which towers over several other smaller domes, which is visually stunning. As you step inside, you will notice the Hagia Sophia is adorned with epic mosaics and pure gold. Presently the Hagia Sophia is a museum that inspires tourists. Justinian the Great also recaptured land that the Barbarians had taken from them. During the reign of Justinian the Great the Byzantine Empire flourished the most and was at its mightiest and most prosperous time.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Lesson 2

August 26, 2019

The Anglo-Saxons Tyrannical Rule

                As the dilapidated Roman Empire evaporated, the Anglo-Saxons plotted to invade Britain. They voyaged across the North Sea. Upon their arrival they intrepidly divided Britain into seven sections each with its own king. The southernmost section was named Angle-land, which later evolved into England. The Anglo-Saxons sadly worshiped many gods. In English four days of the week are named after their gods. Thankfully, a monk arrived in 598 named Augustine, he traveled to England where many people powerfully got saved. The Anglo-Saxons ruled tyrannically till 1066