Tuesday, November 17, 2020

LTW Essay Four


David Singapogu


Challenge A Week 12


LTW Essay Four



What if helping someone else meant putting yourself in danger? The Johansen’s were faced with this very problem. The Johansen’s should have helped Ellen for three reasons: The Johansen’s were the only people to turn to, Ellen would feel comfortable with the Johansen’s, and Helping Ellen was the Christian thing to do.


The first reason The Johansen’s should have helped Ellen Is that the Johansen’s were the only people to turn to. The Johansen’s were trustworthy. The Johansen’s were willing to suffer as a result of helping Ellen. The Johansen’s were aware of the risks incurred by helping Ellen.


The second reason The Johansen’s should have helped Ellen is that Ellen would feel comfortable with the Johansen’s. Anne-Marie and Ellen would have the support of each other. The Johansen’s home was a safe place to stay. It would be easier for Mr. and Mrs. Rosen to escape if Ellen was not with them.


The third reason the Johansen’s should have helped Ellen is that Helping Ellen was the Christian thing to do. Helping Ellen showed Christian love. God has a special relationship with the Jewish people. God would bless the Johansen’s for sacrificing for the sake of Ellen.


The Johansen’s should have helped Ellen because The Johansen’s were the only people to turn to, Ellen would feel comfortable with the Johansen’s, and Helping Ellen was the Christian thing to do. This matters to God because the Jews are his chosen people.


Monday, October 26, 2020

Saber-Toothed Cat


David Singapogu

Challenge A Week 10



            The magnificent Saber-Toothed Cat is a fascinating extinct animal.  It called the saber- toothed cat because of its long sharp knife-shaped canine teeth. Not surprisingly they are used for tearing large chunks of flesh off of their prey. Scientists say that the saber- toothed cat most likely lived in packs. One of the reasons is because of the injuries found in the bones of few that would have killed them unless they had any support from other animals. One of the other things that we know about the saber- toothed cat is that it would most likely have been a ambush hunter as opposed to a chaser. The saber- toothed cat would have crept slowly and silently across the empty grasslands of North America and then suddenly pounce on the unsuspecting bison. Surprisingly, the saber- toothed cat had a build more similar to a bear than to any modern day cat. The saber- toothed cat was clearly a no nonsense cat and a huge nightmare for animals susceptible for becoming a saber- toothed cat’s lunch at any given moment.

            But how did this invincible cat full of muscle and such a strong build die of in a decade? Surprisingly, it isn’t that crazy! The saber- toothed cat lived in a time where the global climate was very cold. This did not affect the saber- toothed cat’s life dramatically, however, it did the other animals living in its era. This resulted in a huge shift in the environment when the earth started to get cold. Most of the animals that were prey to the saber- toothed cat became extinct. No food results in weakness, and weakness tragically often results in a slow and painful death. This resulted in limited food for the saber- toothed cat eventually there was not enough for these species and they sadly left the face of the earth. Diligent Scientists are still learning about the saber- toothed cat. Perhaps there are other secrets of this beast just waiting to be uncovered.


Pickrell, John. “The Baddest Cat of All.” Science News, vol. 195, no. 6, Mar. 2019, pp. 20–24. EBSCOhost, scsl.idm.oclc.org/login?auth=discus&url=http://search.ebscohost.com.scsl. idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=c9h&AN=135313166&site=eds-live.


Churchman, Deborah. “Saber-Toothed Cat.” Ranger Rick, vol. 30, no. 2, Feb. 1996, p. 33. EBSCOhost, scsl.idm.oclc.org/login?auth=discus&url=http://search.ebscohost.com.scsl. idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=f5h&AN=9602131491&site=eds-live.


“Saber-Toothed Cat (Saber-Toothed Tiger).” Encyclopedia of Animals, Aug. 2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost, scsl.idm.oclc.org/login?auth=discus&url=http://search.ebscohost.com.scsl.idm. oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=prh&AN=20071860&site=eds-live.


"Saber-toothed cat." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica, 7 Aug. 2020. school-eb-com.scsl.idm.oclc.org/levels/middle/article/saber-toothed-cat/396002. Accessed 23 Oct. 2020.



King Cobra


Challenge A


Week 9


David Singapogu



            The King Cobra is a fascinating reptile! It is one of the most legendary deadly animals because of its appalling lethal venom. At first glance, it seems like a regular snake. And like most animals, its first instinct is to run away at all costs. However, if it sees that it cannot escape or it is provoked, it will widen it ribs in it upper body to try to appear bigger. If the enemy still does not back off, it will start to lunge at it. Then it will bite if not left. It is clearly not a good idea to play with this snake!

Lets’ talk about the king cobras’ legendary venom. King cobras have long needle-like fangs. In those fangs dwell one of the most deadly toxins in the world the venom is able to kill a human in 15 minutes! Its venom has been scientifically tested is proved to be more deadly than the black mamba’s venom. Some of the symptoms of this venom are dizziness, fainting, and blurry vision. Sadly most people die before they can get medical care. These animals mean business!

"King cobra." Britannica Library, Encyclopædia Britannica, 21 Aug. 2012. library-eb-com.proxy.andersonlibrary.org/levels/referencecenter/article/king-cobra/599498. Accessed 6 Oct. 2020.


Klum, Mattias. “King Cobras.” National Geographic, vol. 200, no. 5, Nov. 2001, p. 100. EBSCOhost, proxy.andersonlibrary.org:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=cookie,ip,uid&db=sch&AN=5496063&site=ehost-live.


“King Cobra.” Encyclopedia of Animals, Aug. 2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost, proxy.andersonlibrary.org:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=cookie,ip,uid&db=sch&AN=20073438&site=ehost-live.





Snake Head Fish


David Singapogu


Science Week 6


The Snake Head is an astonishing invasive animal! Here are some of the snake head’s features. The snake head can actually breathe out of water! It is able to do this using its suprabranchial organ. The snake head has sharp dagger-like teeth on its protruding jaw. Baby snake heads can travel across land. Snake heads actually play the very top role in the marine food chain. They are very aggressive animals and can grow up to 3 ft. long! After mating the female lays from about 40,000 to 50,000 eggs in one year. The snake head is an awe-striking animal!

            Even though the snake head has many interesting features, you would not want them raiding your pond! They are a very invasive species of animal! Invasive species of animals will eventually dominate a body of water. However, the snake head is one of the most aggressive fish ever! The most terrifying thing about the snake head is that by the time you find one, there are probably hundreds already out there! As you can see you definitely do not want to find one in your local lake! However the good news is that they are a very tasty variety of fish and are one of my Dad’s favorite Indian dishes! They have even invaded the State of Georgia! Although they have an outstanding makeup, they are not the coolest fish environmentally.


The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Snakehead.” Encyclopædia Britannica,Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 10 Oct. 2019, www.britannica.com/animal/snakehead-fish.

“Meet the Land-Walking, Air-Breathing Snakehead Fish.” National Geographic, 1 Nov. 2019, www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/n/northern-snakehead.

What Are Snakeheads?, www.usgs.gov/faqs/what-are-snakeheads?qt-news_science_products=0.

LTW Magician's Nephew


David Singapogu


LTW Essay 3


Have you ever wanted to do something although you knew that the consequences could be fatal? Digory and Polly should have gone through the pool and into the other world for three reasons: It revealed Uncle Andrew

David Singapogu


LTW Essay 3


Have you ever wanted to do something although you knew that the consequences could be fatal? Digory and Polly should have gone through the pool and into the other world for three reasons: It revealed Uncle Andrew’s lies, it made the book more interesting, and it turned into a good adventure.


The first reason Digory and Polly should have gone through the pool and into the other world is that it revealed Uncle Andrew’s lies. It showed that uncle Andrew’s theory about the rings was wrong, taught him a lesson, and proved that he was not a magician.


The second reason that Digory and Polly should have gone through the pool and into the other world is that it made the book more interesting. The story would have been more boring if Digory and Polly had stayed in the first world. Digory wouldn’t have become the professor and helped the Pevensies in the next book. Other Narnia stories would not have happened.


The third reason Digory and Polly should have gone through the pool and into the other world is that it turned into a fun adventure. Polly and Digory could experience a different environment. Digory’s mom would have died. Polly and Digory would not have known about this strange world.


Digory and Polly should have gone through the pool and into the other world because it revealed Uncle Andrews lies, it made the book more interesting, and it turned into a good adventure.

’s lies, it made the book more interesting, and it turned into a good adventure.


The first reason Digory and Polly should have gone through the pool and into the other world is that it revealed Uncle Andrew’s lies. It showed that uncle Andrew’s theory about the rings was wrong, taught him a lesson, and proved that he was not a magician.


The second reason that Digory and Polly should have gone through the pool and into the other world is that it made the book more interesting. The story would have been more boring if Digory and Polly had stayed in the first world. Digory wouldn’t have become the professor and helped the Pevensies in the next book. Other Narnia stories would not have happened.


The third reason Digory and Polly should have gone through the pool and into the other world is that it turned into a fun adventure. Polly and Digory could experience a different environment. Digory’s mom would have died. Polly and Digory would not have known about this strange world.


Digory and Polly should have gone through the pool and into the other world because it revealed Uncle Andrews lies, it made the book more interesting, and it turned into a good adventure.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Horseshoe Crab


David Singapogu

Sept 4, 2020



            The Horseshoe Crab is a fascinating invertebrate. Here are some of the Horseshoe Crab’s facts. First things first, the Horseshoe Crab is not a crab. It is more closely related to spiders and scorpions. However, instead of having Eight legs like a spider, or six like a scorpion, the Horseshoe Crab has an astonishing twelve legs! The first pair of legs are for eating only, the others are for walking as well as eating. At first sight, the Horseshoe Crab looks pretty appalling, on its back is a thick looking shell, and most frighteningly, on its back, it has a half foot long fake stinger used to scare of predators. The Horseshoe Crab dines at night and eats mainly worms, clams, and has sometimes been found eating algae. After mating, the female Horseshoe Crab goes to the beach to lay eggs. It can lay thousands upon thousands of eggs, however, only few of these will survive the harsh winter.


            The Horseshoe Crab is a well-known animal, but its medical purposes are scarcely known. People, and most animals have iron-based blood, and when iron oxidizes, it turns red, which is why our blood is red. However, the Horseshoe Crab has copper- based blood, and when copper oxidizes, it turns a blue color, and hence the Horseshoe Crab’s blood is blue! The Horseshoe Crab does not have an immune system, so instead its blood clots…VERY FAST! When doctors discovered this, they took advantage of it by using Horseshoe Crab blood to test vaccines for bacteria. This has prevented some very nasty accidents from occurring. Doctors have also found out that the Horseshoe Crab’s blood may have some cancer-treating capabilities. Because of its medical purposes, Horseshoe Crab blood is practically liquid gold, and can be $15,000 for one pint. The Horseshoe Crab is an amazing specimen of God’s amazing Glory



The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. “Horseshoe Crab.” Encyclopedia Britannica,

            Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 15 Oct 2018, www.britannica.com/animal/horseshoe-crab


“Horseshoe Crab” National Wildlife Federation, www.nwf.org/Educational-Recources/Wildlife-Guide/Invertabrates/ Horseshoe-Crab.

Glass Frog



David Singapogu


Week 8 Challenge A Science Paper



            The Glass Frog is truly an astonishing amphibian. You may be asking, “why is it called the ‘glass’ frog?” Simple, the name comes from its transparent skin, which is surprisingly see-through. However, not all varieties of this frog are see-through, most of them are only transparent on their undersides. Fascinatingly, you can see their heart, internal organs, and more. During mating season, the female will lay eggs on a leaf above a stream, and then the male will fertilize them. After that, the male will guard them until it is about time to hatch. Then after the tadpoles hatch, they fall of the leaf and into the stream. As you can quit plainly see, the glass frog is strange because of its transparent skin.


            Glass frogs live in the rainforests of central and south America. Strangely, it is not known how old glass frogs live. In fact, not much in general is known about the glass frog. The tadpoles hide under rocks as they mature. Once they are grown adults they come out of their hiding places. This process can take anywhere from a few weeks to two or three months. There is no distinction that the glass frog is strange, disgusting, fascinating, and bafflingly beautiful in its own way.

Marvelous Spatuletail Hummingbird


David Singapogu


Week 7


Th Marvelous Spatuletail Hummingbird is truly a fascinating bird. Pay utmost attention because the Marvellous Spatuletail hummingbird has some amazing features! The most iconic of the marvelous spatuletail hummingbird’s features is the spatuletail. However, only the males have this beautiful extra. The marvelous spatuletail hummingbird only live in northern Peru. Thankfully, the American and Peruvian governments have teamed up and reserved many acres of land just for the conservation of this beautiful bird along with some other animals (mainly various species of hummingbirds) They have turned those acres into a resort where tourists can go just to see the birds in the area! Also, the marvelous spatuletail hummingbird has a beautiful metallic blue-green plumage (which is basically the feathers on its upper body) as you can see, the marvelous spatuletail hummingbird is one of the most beautiful birds created by God!

One of the most iconic things about this bird is its mating dance. The male finds a female and the finds a branch of a tree near it her and starts jumping over it from side to side twice per second. After mating, the female will lay eggs. Astonishingly, each egg is slightly smaller than an M&M! They will hatch in 15 to 18 days. The average lifespan of the marvelous spatuletail hummingbird is about 3 to 5 years. When the chicks are first born, they do not yet have the ability to swallow food, so the mother with push the food down their throats, all the way into their stomachs using her long beak. Sadly, since this is a hard to research animal, not much is known about it so more fascinating facts will hopefully come in the near future. The marvelous spatuletail hummingbird is an amazing animal.


Walker, Matt. “Earth News – A Marvellous Hummingbird Display.” BBC, BBC, 3 Nov. 2009, news.bbc.co.us/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_833800/8338728.stm.

“Marvellous Spatuletails – Hummingbirds.” Marvellous Spatuletails – Hummingbirds, Beauty of Birds, 2011, www.beautyofbrids.com/marvellousspatuletails.

Snake Head Fish


David Singapogu


Science Week 6


The Snake Head is an astonishing invasive animal! Here are some of the snake head’s features. The snake head can actually breathe out of water! It is able to do this using its suprabranchial organ. The snake head has sharp dagger-like teeth on its protruding jaw. Baby snake heads can travel across land. Snake heads actually play the very top role in the marine food chain. They are very aggressive animals and can grow up to 3 ft. long! After mating the female lays from about 40,000 to 50,000 eggs in one year. The snake head is an awe-striking animal!

            Even though the snake head has many interesting features, you would not want them raiding your pond! They are a very invasive species of animal! Invasive species of animals will eventually dominate a body of water. However, the snake head is one of the most aggressive fish ever! The most terrifying thing about the snake head is that by the time you find one, there are probably hundreds already out there! As you can see you definitely do not want to find one in your local lake! However the good news is that they are a very tasty variety of fish and are one of my Dad’s favorite Indian dishes! They have even invaded the State of Georgia! Although they have an outstanding makeup, they are not the coolest fish environmentally.


The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Snakehead.” Encyclopædia Britannica,Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 10 Oct. 2019, www.britannica.com/animal/snakehead-fish.

“Meet the Land-Walking, Air-Breathing Snakehead Fish.” National Geographic, 1 Nov. 2019, www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/fish/n/northern-snakehead.

What Are Snakeheads?, www.usgs.gov/faqs/what-are-snakeheads?qt-news_science_products=0.

Rafflesia flower






The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe


David Singapogu

August 25, 2020

Essay One


Aslan should have taken the place of Edmund for three reasons: The Narnians would not have won the Battle without him, taking the place of Edmund showed Aslan’s love, and if Edmund had died, he would not have resurrected as Aslan did.


The first reason Aslan should not have taken the place of Edmund is that the Narnians would not have won the Battle without him. The second reason Aslan should have taken the place of Edmund is that taking the place of Edmund showed Aslan’s love. The third reason Aslan should have taken the place of Edmund is that Edmund would not have resurrected as Aslan did.


Aslan should have taken the place of Edmund because the Narnians would not have won the Battle without him, taking the place of Edmund showed Aslan’s love if Edmund had died, he would not have resurrected as Aslan did.

Carry on Mr. Bowditch




Book 2


David Singapogu





            Nat should have become a navigator for three reasons: Nat helped people, taught people, and he was honored by people.


            The first reason Nat should have become a Navigator is that he helped people. He helped the sailing community. He solved problems in Moore’s that saved people’s lives. Captain Prince would have died without Nat as his Navigator.


            The second reason Nat should have become a Navigator is that he taught people. He had great skill. he was a good teacher. Lem would not have become a good man without Nat.



            The third reason Nat should have become a Navigator is that he was honorable. He was recognized at Harvard. God had called him to. He became prestigious eventually.



            Nat should have become a navigator because he helped people, taught people, and was honored by people


Monday, April 13, 2020

A Change That Shows God’s Sovereign Power

A Change That Shows God’s Sovereign Power

                        [“Q”] According to Philippians 3:8, Paul counted everything as loss because of knowing the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord. Paul helped in killing Stephen. He hurt and killed many other Christians. But this story shows how God’s sovereign power can easily change anyone’s perspective on Jesus.

            [2][4] During the first century AD, there was a smug man named Saul, who was an elite Jew who studied under Gamaliel. [5] Beacause of his strong, Jewish heritage, Saul hated Christians, thinking that their beliefs interfered with the Laws of Moses. [3] Savagely, Saul sabotaged Christian homes and mercilessly their residents into dank jails. He often killed Christians whom he found extra irritating. [1] Saul believed that many infesting Christians were lurking in Damascus. So, he rashly got permission to get rid of the Christians in Damascus.

            After which Saul angrily went to Damascus. [3] Suddenly, on the way, a bright light shone that threwhim of his horse. [4] Being aghast, Saul cowered in front of the light as he heard the words, [C] “Why are you persecuting me?” [2] After the incident, Saul waited for his eyes to adjust back to the hot afternoon on the road to Damascus. They never did, within a few seconds, Saul started to realize that he was blind. After reaching his destination with the help of his escort, Saul, who was changing, did not eat or drink for three days. That night, Saul had a dream, “Ananias will come lay hands on you”

            [1] Ananias had also received a dream, “Go lay hands on Saul.” [4] Thinking Saul might hurt him, Ananias carefully journeyed to Saul. After reaching his destination, Ananias reluctantly laid hands on Saul and immediately Saul received his sight! With haste Saul promptly changed his name to Paul and quickly got baptized. [2] After gaining the necessary knowledge, Paul began his journey around the globe proclaiming the words, [C] “Jesus is Lord!” Astonishingly, God used Paul, who was the most unlikely man, to devotedly tell his message. Even though Ananias’ vision was questionable, God meant it for good.

            [3] Originally, Saul hated Christians, but God changed his hatred into love and passion. [1] God can change the hardest heart. God can make the most drastic changes, which shows his sovereign power.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Racing for God’s glory

David Singapogu


Racing for God’s glory

            [6]He ran. He trusted God. He broke the tape. “In the dust of defeat as well as the laurels of victory, there is glory to be found if one has done his best.” Eric Liddell served God in good times and bad times, when he was recognized by the world, and when he was forgotten in a far away prison camp. Being away from his family was hard on Eric but it prepared him for what was to come. Even though Eric was so good at running, he showed that he valued God more. After his Olympic career, Eric decided that he wanted to help people run their race, the race of Life.

            [1]Eric Liddell was born in China in 1902 to Scottish missionary Parents. At the age of five, he and his older brother, whose name was Robbie, went to school in London. Not long after his arrival, people started to notice how fast he was. Eric only viewed his parents every five years. This was extremely hard on Eric and he missed his family.

            It was soon after that when Eric started to get into sports. He was thoroughly athletic and did rugby, cricket, and track running. He even qualified for the Olympics. His parents wondered. His parents wondered if he would put God or running first. [3]Sadly, at the Olympics, the 100m and 220m races, which he was the best at, were on Sunday, so he did not run. However, the 400m race, which he had barely trained for, He won! And he set an Olympic record! Eric was a hero! As Eric Liddell ran God’s glory was shown.

            After the Olympics, Eric went to China to help refugees from the China-Japan war. He married and had three daughters. During these years he was taken to a prison camp and died there of a mind-boggling brain tumor. His legacy remains of Faith, humility, and service to hundreds of people.

            Even though Being away from his Family was hard, Eric always reminded himself of God. Being such a good runner, it was easy for Eric to give himself the glory, but he always gave it to God. Although Eric had so much talent, he gave up his running career to help people in need. He believed that running God’s race was more important. Eric Liddell’s fierce determination to keep God first inspires us to do all to the glory of God.

Monday, March 2, 2020

How to be a Knight

David Singapogu
Lesson 18
How to be a Knight
            During the middle ages becoming a knight took many years of commitment. If a noble man, who wished his son to be a knight, he would be sent away to become a page. [4]Working hard, first he would become a page, he practiced riding he practiced caring for horses he practiced fighting he practiced wrestling he practiced hunting. [2]After competing in games like chess they would have better understanding of battle strategy. [5]When they became 15 they could become a squire or a servant and shield bearer to a knight. Only a squire could help a knight at terrific tumultuous tournaments and go with a knight to battle, which was a huge privilege. [3]Finally a squire could become a knight because of braveness in a ceremony called dubbing. [1]Knights diligently drilled skills like archery and hand to hand combat at tournaments where 100s of skilled boisterous knights worked to be fit. Becoming a knight was not easy

Memory Master Competition

According to the Bible, the story of the world is the story of the creation, fall, and redemption of mankind.

Genesis 1:1 tells us, “God created the heavens and the earth.” With only his words, God sculpted earth, space, time, and light on the first day.  On day two, he created the atmosphere with its parts—troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere.  On the third day of creation, God made the dry land, and plants.  On the fourth day, God fashioned a myriad of stars, including our sun, and moon, with its phases—new, crescent, quarter, gibbous, and full. God also crafted some other bodies in our solar systemasteroids, meteoroids, meteorites, and comets. God formed the fish, sea creatures, and birds on the day five.  And on the sixth day of creation, God fashioned land animals, and more importantly Adam, and Eve were created in God’s image.

Unfortunately, mankind insolently rejected their creator and scornfully contrived gods of their own imaginations.  Some of these were the Greek and Roman gods—Zeus, Jupiter, Hera, Juno, Ares, Mars, Aphrodite, Venus, Hermes, Mercury, Athena, Minerva, Poseidon, and Neptune. In rebellion, they went so far as to brazenly name all of the planets, except for our beautiful planet, Earth, after these gods—Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Overtime some people recognized the error in their beliefs. In the West, increased interest in spiritual things paved the way for a new age and prominent men capably used their talents to display God’s glory. During this Renaissance Period from 1350 to 1600, Leonardo da Vinci was a famous inventor, Shakespeare was a famous playwright, Michelangelo was a famous artist, and Copernicus was a famous scientist who earnestly believed that God was creator. Science flourished and in the early 1700’s Newton made grand discoveries in Physics. His first law of motion states that an object at rest tends to remain at rest and an object in motion tends to continue moving in a straight line at constant speed unless an outside force acts upon it. Newton’s second law of motion states that force equals mass times acceleration. Newton’s third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Newton astutely affirmed, “The true God is a living, intelligent and powerful Being.” Science and technology continued to advance and in 1969, U.S. astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first men to walk on the moon. U.S. space missions tenaciously continued with the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and Shuttle missions.

Through scientific advancements, the truth proclaimed in Psalm 19:1 is evidenced.  Truly, “The heavens declare the glory of God: the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” But mankind’s greatest privilege is knowing and making known the God who came to redeem us!

Armor can be a Double-Edged Sword

Kiran David Singapogu
January 24, 2020
Lesson 17
Armor can be a Double-Edged Sword
During the Middle Ages, armor and weapons were highly prized possessions of the warriors, known as knights. The first armor was made of chain mail, thousands of rings joined together, it was strong enough to stop arrows, which was useful in battle. [4]Advancing weapons was the crossbow, which was fashioned well, now, chain mail could no longer stop arrows. Therefore, the blacksmiths put metal plates on the chain mail. [2]After a few years, armor was sophisticated and grew in weight. [1]Blacksmiths even created a glove with metal spikes on it. knights were covered from head to toe in armor.  [3]Astonishingly, armor came to the point where a regular helmet could weigh a whopping 50 pounds! Two were necessary to put armor on a knight, because the armor weighed so heavily. [5]Since there was a large amount of weight, if a knight fell of his horse, it would be very hard for him to fight. As you can see, the armor and weapons of a knight could be a double-edged sword(pun intended).

Learn Quick, Get Good Quick

David Singapogu,
Learn Quick, Get Good Quick
            What are you going to do with your empty basement? Table Tennis is a good way to go. It fits in most basements but also comes with a lot of fun. In this essay, I will talk about the dynamics and long term benefits of Ping Pong.
            Ping Pong is one of my hobbies. It seems simple enough, but as you incorporate more and more tricks and spins, you will find that earning your point is not so easy. Some of the main ways to derail your opponent are powerful smashes, deceptive spins, and unpredictable serves. If you wanted to get a paddle your first thought would probably be to go to amazon and find the one with the best reviews. But for the pros getting a paddle is a different story. First you must buy a handle, then you have to buy two rubbers, one for each side and then cut them to fit your handle. Then you would use a special glue and stick the rubbers to the handle. And just a plain wooden handle can easily be over 100 dollars. As you can see this process is not only labor intensive, it isn’t very easy on your either.
            As you can see Ping Pongs simple rules make it easy for people to learn, but as you advance you and your opponent’s tactics will make it take every bit of effort to defeat them. Table Tennis is not only one most fun games to play and watch. Its beneficial components can not only give you a thrilling game to play but also a plethora of skills that you will need as go through life. But most importantly, it will not only help fitness but significantly lowers your probability of getting Alzheimer’s. All in all, Table Tennis’ simple rules and creative shots make it very fun to play.

Life Lived in New and Better Ways

David Singapogu
Lesson 24
February 28, 2020
Life Lived in New and Better Ways
“The sky is the limit.” [2]In my visit to the twenty first century, the items and machines I viewed there were truly breathtaking and awe-inspiring. These items that I describe here make life more enjoyable, easier and efficient. [5]As These items make tasks that were once extremely time consuming and inefficient quick and easy, they allow people to spend time doing the things they enjoy. Using the magic leaver, you could create light with a flick of your finger. Using the automatic book maker, you can create duplicates of your books within seconds. [3]Finally, the man-controlled bird is not only a fun way experience the sky but also a way to view the world “through the eagles eye.”
[1]I wish you could have seen the magic button that could be flipped to create light.  I saw a lever in the room, I wondered what it was. A man walked to it and casually pushed the lever up and a magical light appeared. The gentleman showed me the lever. He said that when you push the lever up it started something called electricity and it went to a “bulb”. [4]Thinking it would never work, I flicked the lever with the tip of my finger, and Wow! the light turned on once again, which greatly amazed me. The bulb is equivalent to an oil lamp and is very bright. This bulb is a very good invention from the twenty-first century.
            Next up is the automatic book maker. If I put a piece of paper in it, it will put words on it. Also, if you put a page with words on the book making machine, it will make a questionable sound, and then put the same words on a different paper. Using the automatic book maker, no person is needed to copy a book by hand, which is a huge advantage. It only takes 7 seconds to fashion a duplicate. With the automatic book maker, you can easily make books.
             Last of all is the man-controlled bird. The bird has four wings that turn like a very fast potters’ wheel. The man has a black brick with levers to control the bird. The bird was very fast and even showed the man what it saw. There were many different colored lights that shown brightly in the night sky. It was a very clever bird.  I can’t say I entirely understand the bird or its purposes, but it caught my fancy.
            I am still fascinated by the automatic light creator. The book making machine still boggles my imagination.  The man-controlled bird intrigues me by its ability to quickly respond to the man’s complex instructions. These inventions revealed ways in which man could live life more efficiently. Life for people in the twenty-first century is faster, easier and more interesting. People with these items can spend time on pursuits they desire because of the efficiency of these machines. These inventions help people in meaningful ways each day. These discoveries help people to live life in new and better ways.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Europe’s greatest work of architecture

David Singapogu
Jan 17,2020

Europe’s greatest work of architecture

            [1]Cathedrals were grandiose buildings that gave light in a dark time. The word “Cathedral” is Greek for seat or throne. [2]After hundreds of years and workers, they were fashioned out of pounds of carved stones, when they were built. [3]Thoughtfully, Cathedrals were conveniently the place were church services, public meetings, and ceremonies were all held. [4]Being a double edged sword, Cathedrals inspired people to faith in Jesus Christ. They were the largest structures in cities, because of this, cities were proud of their Cathedrals and often competed to have the biggest one. Today hundreds of Cathedrals are across Europe, which continue to awe tourists

Thursday, January 16, 2020

An Impact that Continues Six-Hundred Years Later

David Singapogu
Faces of History
Jan 8, 2020
An Impact that Continues Six-Hundred Years Later
            My early life and education, convictions and challenges to the Roman Catholic Church, and my lasting impact that continues after my death are all reasons why I am a significant character in history.
            My early life and education were important and influential in making me a man of God. [1]I was born into a poor, Roman Catholic background. Being the son of Roger and Catherine, I was born to be a sheep farmer. However, my father did not trust my physical abilities and sent me to Oxford University. In 1345 at the age of 15, I journeyed to Oxford to diligently study. At the prestigious university, I did very well in my studies and came to be known as an important scholar. [3]Devoutly and deeply devoted, Thomas Bradwardine, who was my math professor, showed me the Gospel through math. [1] Black Death suddenly struck England as did tragedy alongside it. At Oxford, the Black Death slowed down my M. Div. studies. Because of their lack of assistance with the Black Death, the people grew frustrated with the Catholic Church. In 1372 I finished my studies by earning my D. Div., while becoming increasingly cross with the Church. Because of my early life and education, I was becoming a man God could use.
            As a man, I was developing convictions that would challenge the Church for the rest of my life. First of all, I did not believe it was right for the Church to tax England. This introduced me to the world of politics. [2] In concentrated thought, I deeply studied the scriptures because I believed it held the answers to life, while writing about what I learned. Believing strongly that everybody should have the Bible in English. In addition, I did not agree with the Church’s concepts of transubstantiation, confession, and indulgences. Because of my convictions, I started the Lollards, a group of poor pastors, who worked to spread the truth. I deeply desired for people to have the Bible, so I began translating the Bible into English for the first time in the world. In 1377 the irate pope, who was appalled, issued 5 papal bulls against me, asking me to, “Come defend myself.” In May 1382, I was condemned as a “heretic” at the corrupt Blackfriars Synod. My beliefs were condemned, my teachings were condemned, my writings were condemned. As a result of my convictions and my interference with the harmful ideas of the Church, I was making an impact.
            Despite my big moves, things were coming to a close. In 1384 I experienced a stroke, which set me back. But, I had bigger things to worry about, so I kept working. [3]Unfortunately, I died of another stroke in Lutterworth, England, on the last day of the year, 1384. [5]Since they refused to recant, my followers died and were tortured by the Church, additionally, they were excommunicated because they believed my teachings were true. In 1427, forty-three years after my death, the Roman Catholic Church unceremonially exhumed my body and threw my bones into the fire. Afterwards they threw my ashes into the gushing river swift, which runs to the ocean. Despite the Church trying like a brick wall to stop me, my powerful ideas continued to influence reformers for hundreds of years. [4]Remembering my impact, I am known as the, “Herald of the Reformation” and the, “Morning Star of the Reformation” My impact continues to this day, nearly 600 years after my death.
            Because of my early life and education, convictions and challenges to the Roman Catholic Church, and my lasting impact that continues to this day, I am an important person.