Monday, October 5, 2020

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe


David Singapogu

August 25, 2020

Essay One


Aslan should have taken the place of Edmund for three reasons: The Narnians would not have won the Battle without him, taking the place of Edmund showed Aslan’s love, and if Edmund had died, he would not have resurrected as Aslan did.


The first reason Aslan should not have taken the place of Edmund is that the Narnians would not have won the Battle without him. The second reason Aslan should have taken the place of Edmund is that taking the place of Edmund showed Aslan’s love. The third reason Aslan should have taken the place of Edmund is that Edmund would not have resurrected as Aslan did.


Aslan should have taken the place of Edmund because the Narnians would not have won the Battle without him, taking the place of Edmund showed Aslan’s love if Edmund had died, he would not have resurrected as Aslan did.

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