Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Vikings Terrible Regime

David Singapogu


The Vikings Terrible Regime

            [6] They looted, They destroyed, They killed! The Vikings raided from 700-1100 AD, they lived in what is now Scandinavia. [2][5] Since they were so fierce, europe often retreated at the sight of them. [1] The Vikings intrepidly killed women and children, even though they didn’t fight. However, the most ruthless of Vikings, which were the Berserkers, were talked about by survivors as if they had come straight out of a nightmare!      ` Because of this, part of that word is even used in the English language. For example, if your friend called you “berserk!”, then you must be acting pretty wildly. [3] Occasionally the Vikings tenaciously desired land, and when they did, they acted mercilessly. For example, in 911, King Charles the Simple, simply gave them land out of fear, knowing that they were ready to fight. In case of battle, the Vikings had 100s of massive majestic mammoth warships. [4] Shocking everybody, the vicious venturing Vikings caused fear and destruction everywhere they went like a lawn mower tearing through the grass.

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