David Singapogu
November 18, 2019
Happy to Be Happy
One day, there was a girl. [1]Shewas crying in the livelyoppressive sun. Shewas lonely. The girl’s name was Anne-Marie, or Annie. She had just disrespectfullyand naughtilyhit her kindbrother Xavier in the face for no reason. [2]Upon her mother hearing this, she had stated that she had smacked him because he had stolen her favorite stuffed animal. However, her mom, who actedwisely, was not fooled. She told Annie, “Go outside and leave your siblings alone! Whenyou are ready to be nice, you can come back.” [5]While the sun beat on her back, she was very lonely.
She lay down on the grass, shut her eyes and started daydreaming. [5]While dreaming she was on a swing whereshe was happilyrocking back and forth, listening to thebeautifulchirping of the birds. [2]During this time her brother Xavier, whowas a crazyconfidentcuber, joined her. He was swinging with her becausehe had just gotten a 3x3 PB single of one hour. [3]Playfully he exclaimed, “Tag, you’re it!” [3]Suddenly, Annie opened her eyes. An idea had sparked in her mind.
[4]Thinking it would work, Annie, whowas delighted, determined, dancedinto her house whereshe thought she could settle things. [1]She kept asking Xavier to follow her beggingin the most obnoxious high pitchedvoice, “PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEAASSE!!!!!!” [2]After that Xavier felt like a king. [4]Walking out casually,becausethey were ready to make peace, they started swinging. Xavier washappy. Annie was happy. They were happy to be happy.