Monday, April 13, 2020

A Change That Shows God’s Sovereign Power

A Change That Shows God’s Sovereign Power

                        [“Q”] According to Philippians 3:8, Paul counted everything as loss because of knowing the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord. Paul helped in killing Stephen. He hurt and killed many other Christians. But this story shows how God’s sovereign power can easily change anyone’s perspective on Jesus.

            [2][4] During the first century AD, there was a smug man named Saul, who was an elite Jew who studied under Gamaliel. [5] Beacause of his strong, Jewish heritage, Saul hated Christians, thinking that their beliefs interfered with the Laws of Moses. [3] Savagely, Saul sabotaged Christian homes and mercilessly their residents into dank jails. He often killed Christians whom he found extra irritating. [1] Saul believed that many infesting Christians were lurking in Damascus. So, he rashly got permission to get rid of the Christians in Damascus.

            After which Saul angrily went to Damascus. [3] Suddenly, on the way, a bright light shone that threwhim of his horse. [4] Being aghast, Saul cowered in front of the light as he heard the words, [C] “Why are you persecuting me?” [2] After the incident, Saul waited for his eyes to adjust back to the hot afternoon on the road to Damascus. They never did, within a few seconds, Saul started to realize that he was blind. After reaching his destination with the help of his escort, Saul, who was changing, did not eat or drink for three days. That night, Saul had a dream, “Ananias will come lay hands on you”

            [1] Ananias had also received a dream, “Go lay hands on Saul.” [4] Thinking Saul might hurt him, Ananias carefully journeyed to Saul. After reaching his destination, Ananias reluctantly laid hands on Saul and immediately Saul received his sight! With haste Saul promptly changed his name to Paul and quickly got baptized. [2] After gaining the necessary knowledge, Paul began his journey around the globe proclaiming the words, [C] “Jesus is Lord!” Astonishingly, God used Paul, who was the most unlikely man, to devotedly tell his message. Even though Ananias’ vision was questionable, God meant it for good.

            [3] Originally, Saul hated Christians, but God changed his hatred into love and passion. [1] God can change the hardest heart. God can make the most drastic changes, which shows his sovereign power.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Racing for God’s glory

David Singapogu


Racing for God’s glory

            [6]He ran. He trusted God. He broke the tape. “In the dust of defeat as well as the laurels of victory, there is glory to be found if one has done his best.” Eric Liddell served God in good times and bad times, when he was recognized by the world, and when he was forgotten in a far away prison camp. Being away from his family was hard on Eric but it prepared him for what was to come. Even though Eric was so good at running, he showed that he valued God more. After his Olympic career, Eric decided that he wanted to help people run their race, the race of Life.

            [1]Eric Liddell was born in China in 1902 to Scottish missionary Parents. At the age of five, he and his older brother, whose name was Robbie, went to school in London. Not long after his arrival, people started to notice how fast he was. Eric only viewed his parents every five years. This was extremely hard on Eric and he missed his family.

            It was soon after that when Eric started to get into sports. He was thoroughly athletic and did rugby, cricket, and track running. He even qualified for the Olympics. His parents wondered. His parents wondered if he would put God or running first. [3]Sadly, at the Olympics, the 100m and 220m races, which he was the best at, were on Sunday, so he did not run. However, the 400m race, which he had barely trained for, He won! And he set an Olympic record! Eric was a hero! As Eric Liddell ran God’s glory was shown.

            After the Olympics, Eric went to China to help refugees from the China-Japan war. He married and had three daughters. During these years he was taken to a prison camp and died there of a mind-boggling brain tumor. His legacy remains of Faith, humility, and service to hundreds of people.

            Even though Being away from his Family was hard, Eric always reminded himself of God. Being such a good runner, it was easy for Eric to give himself the glory, but he always gave it to God. Although Eric had so much talent, he gave up his running career to help people in need. He believed that running God’s race was more important. Eric Liddell’s fierce determination to keep God first inspires us to do all to the glory of God.